Gratitude pours into my soul and saturates my heart whenever I am in nature hiking/biking solo. The distinction lies in being solo, at least that’s how it shows up for me. Inspiration and self love come naturally in these moments grounding me to what I truly must be. The irony is that all my life I have been on a quest to solve for loneliness (both for myself and others around me) and that painful void that I had mostly believed to be cured by another being or by means of a relationship. Yet, it’s the other side of the coin, the very aloneness, that empowers me to my core every single time and gives me access to a sense of wholeness. Self love and self acceptance oftentimes emerge through the intimate dates with myself. Nature organically quiets my critical mind and opens space to see beyond my conscious cognition. It’s like the perfect coach or listener. It offers all its beauty, vastness and objective silence. This space is sacred, healing and uplifting. To me, the most beautiful relationships happen when the two respect each other’s space and allow for these solo dates too. They know when to be and when to allow for space. This is true love devoid of codependencies, clinginess, infatuation, or the sense of possessiveness which are often mistaken with love or care. Being with the right partner is beyond blissful, beautiful and magical but so can these be the case when we are on our own until we become who it takes to attract the one who has also gone through his/her journey . Embrace your aloneness, cherish it for it gives us many opportunities should we choose the right perspective.❤️